Wednesday, December 31, 2014
I want to end this year by thanking y'all for welcoming me into this fun little world of blogging. 2014 was a good that allowed me to be creative, accept new challenges, and reevaluate the truly important things in life. Starting this blog was taking little risk for me, one that made me step out of my comfort zone, and for that I am grateful. I can only hope that my posts (and especially my photography) will continue to improve in the upcoming year. Here's a look back at some of this year's most popular posts:
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
On My Bookshelf [Where'd You Go, Bernadette?]
Monday, December 29, 2014
Greek Coffee [How To]
Growing up Monday afternoons meant Greek School at church. If I'm completely honest, it was not my favorite part of the week, but I can vividly picture all the moms sipping little cups of Greek coffee and working on their needle work when we came out for recess. If we were really, really good Sweet Petrula would read our fortunes in the grounds. To this day, I can't make Greek coffee without remembering.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas, Y'all!
Just popping in to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas! Wishing you all a holiday filled with much love and great joy!
via Pinterest |
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Christmas Eve Traditions
When I was little every Christmas Eve my brother's Nouno (Godfather) came over to celebrate. We had yummies, finished decorating the tree or did some last minute gift wrapping, and just spent time together. We were allowed to open one early gift each (always pajamas -- after all we had to look nice in the pictures the next morning). I can vividly remember just being purely happy, feeling sheer joy. My brother's Nouno has since moved to Florida, our family has increased with in-laws and new loved ones, and my brothers and I are no longer all living under the same roof, and I miss it.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Christmas at the Lilly House [Indianapolis Museum of Art]
I was so very excited to be able to spend some time with Bestie KB during this very busy time of year. We met at the Lilly House on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, which was decorated in all its Christmas splendor.
The home is absolutely stunning......
Monday, December 22, 2014
Jingle Rails
Last week we took the kiddos on a field trip to the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art. The museum is fabulous and I always look forward to this trip. This time there was an extra special activity, Jingle Rails. I had heard wonderful things, but had never seen it for myself.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Red Velvet Whoopie Pies [Sort of....]
We had our annual Holiday Cookie Exchange at school. I typically host the event, but was unable to this year. I did help Bestie KP and whipped up an invitation on Picmonkey. (I know you're surprised....ha, ha!)
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Some Christmas Touches
Decorating for Christmas is one of my very favorite things of the season. I tend to keep things pretty traditional, using mainly reds and greens. Please come on in for a little tour.....(and bear with my's one of my biggest resolutions for the new year....).
Welcome! Y'all come on in....
Welcome! Y'all come on in....
Friday, December 19, 2014
Five on Friday ['Tis the Season III]
It's been so busy around these parts that I haven't been posting as I had planned. I hope to get caught up this weekend as today is the last day of school for two weeks!! Woo-hoo!!!
Bestie KB and I took a quick tour of the Lilly House at the IMA decorated for Christmas. Although the tour was a little bit of a let down, the company more than made up for it. We were able to grab a cup of tea and visit, which was completely delightful.
Bestie KB and I took a quick tour of the Lilly House at the IMA decorated for Christmas. Although the tour was a little bit of a let down, the company more than made up for it. We were able to grab a cup of tea and visit, which was completely delightful.
via |
Monday, December 15, 2014
Happy Birthday, Brother #1!
Today I'm wishing my brother a very Happy Birthday! He is one of the most kind and generous people I know. He has a special gift of putting everyone around him at ease and I'm beyond grateful to call him my brother.
Our wedding photographer captured this shot immediately following the service. It is my very favorite picture of us together.
Our wedding photographer captured this shot immediately following the service. It is my very favorite picture of us together.
Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
DIY Eggnog Latte
The eggnog latte is my very favorite beverage that comes in that little red know the one....everything about it tastes like Christmas. This morning I was determined to make our own here at the hive, and what do you know, it was delish! Totally hit the spot.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Five on Friday ['Tis the Season II]
After a very hectic and long week, boy am I ready for the weekend! I may or may not have thrown a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner and been in bed by 8 last night. Excited to spend some time with sweet friends this weekend and finish up some Christmas shopping, decorating, etc. SO excited!
I've made the super quick (and if I do say so myself) super cute pepper jelly appetizer a few times this year. It's the perfect thing to take when you're in a pinch.
I've made the super quick (and if I do say so myself) super cute pepper jelly appetizer a few times this year. It's the perfect thing to take when you're in a pinch.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Champagne Cork Ornaments
I'm a big believer in celebrating the little things (and big things, too!!) in life. And I certainly love any excuse to pop a bottle of champagne. In fact, if you peek in my fridge you're likely to find a bottle just in case, but not necessarily a gallon of milk. (Full disclosure: if I'm being completely honest, you're likely to find a bottle of champagne and an expired gallon of milk....)
Via Pinterest |
Monday, December 8, 2014
Pretty (and Quick) Christmas Appetizer
Sometimes I just don't have enough time to whip up something impressive to take to a dinner or pitch-in, especially during the Christmas season. Enter in the bazillion jars of pepper jelly I make each summer.
Pepper Jelly Christmas Tree Appetizer
Pepper Jelly Christmas Tree Appetizer
- 8 oz block cream cheese
- 1 jar pepper jelly (you don't have to make yours!!)
- Yellow Bell Pepper (I only had green in the fridge) - optional
- Cranberries - optional, I just happened to have them
- Crackers
- Cut the block of cream cheese at a diagonal.
- Plate pieces together so they form a Christmas tree and smooth the seam.
- Spread pepper jelly over the top.
- Cut a star and stump out of the bell pepper.
- If desired add cranberry garland.
Merry, Merry!
Friday, December 5, 2014
Five on Friday ['Tis the Season]
Happy first Friday of December! I love everything about the Christmas season, and have spent this week getting the hive ready to celebrate and enjoy the entire season. So without further ado, here's this week's Five on Friday.
Every year the day after Thanksgiving Hubby and I put up the tree and reminisce as we unwrap our beautiful ornaments from our loved ones and tennis family. The ornaments from our ornament wedding shower hold a very special place in our hearts.
Every year the day after Thanksgiving Hubby and I put up the tree and reminisce as we unwrap our beautiful ornaments from our loved ones and tennis family. The ornaments from our ornament wedding shower hold a very special place in our hearts.
Blue and White Hearts from Vietnam |
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Embellished Tree Skirt [Cheater Applique]
Well friends, I have a confession. I'm too cheap to buy a good tree skirt. There. I've said it. I just haven't found anything I love enough to spend the money on....especially since it's something that is only going to be covered with presents and unseen for most of the season anyway. (It's not so much that they are expensive, it's just that they go so unseen.)
So, until then, I've purchased acheap inexpensive scalloped, felt tree skirt from Target (said with a Frenchesque accent so as to make it sound fancier...Tar-jhay). The past few years I've just made sure to wrap the presents (with beautiful paper and ribbon, I may add) and cover that sucker up pretty quickly. This year I decided to do a little something about it for the time being.
So, until then, I've purchased a
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Christmas Ornament Wedding Shower
When Hubby and I married the tennis program hosted a beautiful ornament shower in our honor. It was one of my very favorite celebrations and each year as we decorate the tree I am reminded of the special people who make up my tennis family.
It is the perfect type of celebration for a group wanting to celebrate the happy couple, but at the same time not expecting the guests to purchase large gifts. Each guest simply brings an ornament of their choosing. (And I can only imagine how bare the house would have felt our first Christmas without these special decorations!!)
It is the perfect type of celebration for a group wanting to celebrate the happy couple, but at the same time not expecting the guests to purchase large gifts. Each guest simply brings an ornament of their choosing. (And I can only imagine how bare the house would have felt our first Christmas without these special decorations!!)
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
My Favorite Things: Gifts Under $100
I have to be honest, while thinking of my favorite gifts under $100 I didn't intentionally choose things that were all personalized, but it did kind of evolve into that. What can I say, I'm a sucker for something monogrammed (or in some of these cases, individualized) and think they make the best gifts.
Personalized Wedding Bowls (H Shadron Pottery)
Hubby and I received one of these beautiful, handmade bowls as a wedding gift, and absolutely love it! She is not just limited to wedding bowls, however, and also has baby plates, celebration bowls, and limited editions.
Personalized Wedding Bowls (H Shadron Pottery)
Hubby and I received one of these beautiful, handmade bowls as a wedding gift, and absolutely love it! She is not just limited to wedding bowls, however, and also has baby plates, celebration bowls, and limited editions.

Monday, December 1, 2014
Activity Advent Calendar
The first year Hubby and I were married I painstakingly made 25 little cards and 25 little envelopes with 25 different activities for us to do together leading up to Christmas day. (Sadly, over the years some of them have lost their numbers.)
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Christmas Countdown
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the hive! I truly love the feeling of a decorated home. You can just feel the joy. Lately I've been swapping out various printables in the kitchen. It's such a fun and easy little way to include something seasonal. First was a monogrammed pumpkin, then a thankful reminder, and now a Christmas countdown.
I used my new obsession Picmonkey to make the festive little countdown. Once in the frame, we use a dry erase marker to update the countdown every morning. Simple as that.
I used my new obsession Picmonkey to make the festive little countdown. Once in the frame, we use a dry erase marker to update the countdown every morning. Simple as that.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Paul Prudhomme's Chocolate Cake with Mocha Icing
My love of Paul Prudhomme is no secret around these parts. I have yet to try a recipe of his that isn't completely fantastic, and this just might be the most fantastic of all....and I don't even like chocolate cake. We first tried this cake on that first trip to K-Paul's and my family has been making it ever since. In fact, I made one this week for Daddy's birthday, which we always celebrate on Thanksgiving. Today, I'm enjoying a piece for breakfast....shhhhh, don't tell.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Five on Friday [Thanksgiving Edition]
Happy Friday, Y'all! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving week and an especially wonderful Holiday Season. Today's Five on Friday will be brief, as we're still in a food coma, and are busy decorating our little hive for Christmas. No shopping here.....
Hubby and I celebrated Thanksgiving with his parents earlier in the day and then my family. It is truly heartwarming to be able to spend time with those we hold so dear. Life is filled with so many blessings for which we are thankful. My goal is to try to pay special attention to these blessings throughout the year, not just during this season.
Hubby and I celebrated Thanksgiving with his parents earlier in the day and then my family. It is truly heartwarming to be able to spend time with those we hold so dear. Life is filled with so many blessings for which we are thankful. My goal is to try to pay special attention to these blessings throughout the year, not just during this season.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing you and yours a wonderfully Happy Thanksgiving! Today, I'm enjoying time with those I love most and remembering all of life's many blessings.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Happy Birthday, Pop!
Today I'm wishing my daddy a very Happy Birthday! He was the first man I ever loved and is truly one of my greatest friends. Thank you, Pop, for being such a wonderful role model. You have given me the greatest example by which to lead my life, all while being my biggest cheerleader. Wishing you not only a terrific day, but an incredible year, too! I love you!
Happy Birthday, Pop!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Stocking Stuffers
Who doesn't love stocking stuffers.....a pretty stocking filled with little goodies Santa picked out just for you. I especially love a themed stocking, when everything kind of goes together. So with that in mind, I've compiled a little list of goodies for the chef in your life. Little goodies that will make their time in the kitchen just that much more enjoyable. The products include a little of everything. Without further ado, here we go:
Wood Lemon Reamer (Williams Williams-Sonoma -one of my all time favorite gadgets.)
Monday, November 24, 2014
Christmas Binder
There have been some moments of slight panic around these parts this week. Y'all, I have lost my Christmas binder. I have torn the house apart, searched high and low, and it is just no where to be found. I can't even think of any more places to look. So, if your card arrives in the mail and it looks just like last year, just pretend it doesn't. (No kiddos, so no photo cards here....I mean who wants to see a picture of just Hubby and me?? Ha.) Or even worse, if you receive the same gift as last year (because clearly it was a brilliant idea if I gifted it the first time) just smile and please forgive me.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Five on Friday V
It was a pretty quiet week around these parts. Stuck close to home and just tried to get through....We have a whole week off for the holiday next week! Yipee!! Can't wait to celebrate with loved ones and put up my Christmas decorations. This weather certainly has me in the mood! Now, enough rambling, let's get to it!
This is always a hard week for me. I've been missing my mama something fierce this year, but spent time focusing on how blessed I am to have had her as my mom. She was incredible.
This is always a hard week for me. I've been missing my mama something fierce this year, but spent time focusing on how blessed I am to have had her as my mom. She was incredible.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
What's for Dinner [Braised Beef with Hilopites]
About a month ago I searched all of Indianapolis for fresh filo dough to no avail. Other than at a local Greek restaurant downtown I still haven't found any. (If you know of some, please let me know!!) I did, however, stumble upon Taste of Europe, a little market and restaurant who offers a nice selection of Greek pastas, including hilopites. I immediately grabbed them initially planning on making them with chicken. After some further thought I decided Hubby should be introduced to them with braised beef instead. It was a huge winner, and he has requested to have it again soon.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Missing Mom
Today I'm thinking of my mama, just as I do everyday, and hardly believing she's been gone so long. But mainly today I'm focusing on just how very lucky I am to have had such a wonderful mom who gave us such incredible love. She was truly the best. So, my challenge to you today, is to give your own moms a big hug and remind them just how much you love them.
I know I've shared this pic before.... but it's still my favorite! |
Monday, November 17, 2014
What's for Dinner [Grapefruit, Pomegranate, Walnut, and Blue Cheese Salad]
I love eat it every night kinda love.....I think it's the Greek and French in me. I also think a major contributing factor to that love is the possibilities: the greens, the toppings, the dressings (although mine is typically always a form of vinaigrette) the possibilities are endless.
This salad is literally a compilation of things we had on hand that I thought might go well together....they did.
This salad is literally a compilation of things we had on hand that I thought might go well together....they did.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Holiday Mart
Friday night I attended the Junior League Holiday Mart with a sweet, new friend. It had been years since I last attended and I was super excited to spend to get a jump on my Christmas shopping. (Typically, I'm nearly finished with my shopping, this year I've barely begun. Whoops!) It was "Girls Night Out" with a drink coupon and desserts included with your ticket. I had a truly wonderful time laughing and giggling.
If I'm being completely honest, I was a little disappointed with the selection of booths this year. Over the years it has changed from primarily unique, one of a kind Christmas goodies, to many, many booths of women's clothing. Now I will say the clothes were still adorable and cute, just not what I happened to be looking for.
If I'm being completely honest, I was a little disappointed with the selection of booths this year. Over the years it has changed from primarily unique, one of a kind Christmas goodies, to many, many booths of women's clothing. Now I will say the clothes were still adorable and cute, just not what I happened to be looking for.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Five on Friday IV
WOO-HOO!!! It's Friday!!! Although it is supposed to be freezing this weekend (literally - yesterday the wind chill was 15. FIFTEEN. I mean, it's November, right?) I'm always excited to spend some time with those I love. Now, let's get down to it....
We had this super delicious salad with friends Sunday.....and I've made it every night since. Pear, blue cheese, walnuts, and a could you go wrong??
We had this super delicious salad with friends Sunday.....and I've made it every night since. Pear, blue cheese, walnuts, and a could you go wrong??
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Giving Thanks
The older I get, the more I fall in love with Thanksgiving. I love being with friends and family for the sole purpose of expressing gratitude. I love that there isn't pressure to come up with the perfect gift. I love the constant reminder remember all for which we are thankful. And yes, I love the food. Ha, ha!
As a little daily reminder for this month of gratitude, I whipped up a couple printables on Picmonkey. It was my very first attempt at this, and hopefully I will improve over time, but for now, these fit the bill perfectly.
This first sheet took the place of our monogrammed chevron pumpkin in the kitchen. As much as I love it, it was just a little too Halloweeny. We use a dry erase marker on the glass of the picture frame to record our daily notes of gratitude.
I have been using the second printable as tags to attach to little goodies for dear friends and family. And as a bonus having them readily available has encouraged me to give a little more this season. They might also make an appearance at Thanksgiving dinner.
Now, if I've done this correctly, you should be able to save the picture and print for your own use. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it works ;)!
As a little daily reminder for this month of gratitude, I whipped up a couple printables on Picmonkey. It was my very first attempt at this, and hopefully I will improve over time, but for now, these fit the bill perfectly.
This first sheet took the place of our monogrammed chevron pumpkin in the kitchen. As much as I love it, it was just a little too Halloweeny. We use a dry erase marker on the glass of the picture frame to record our daily notes of gratitude.
I have been using the second printable as tags to attach to little goodies for dear friends and family. And as a bonus having them readily available has encouraged me to give a little more this season. They might also make an appearance at Thanksgiving dinner.
Now, if I've done this correctly, you should be able to save the picture and print for your own use. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it works ;)!
Happy Thanksgiving Season!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
In My Lunchbox [Tilapia Bento]
This week's bento box is just kind of a compilation of goodies from the fridge and the fact that tilapia was on super sale at Costco. I'm not complaining though because the end result was yummy goodness.
In my lunchbox this week:
For my snack I simply packed a little Greek yogurt in the individual serving size cups. Costco by far has the best price on Fage, which is my favorite brand.
In my lunchbox this week:
- tilapia (quickly saute with chef's salt, hit with lemon)
- sugar snap peas
- roasted red pepper hummus
- garlic and herb laughing cow cheese
- whole wheat crackers
- apple
For my snack I simply packed a little Greek yogurt in the individual serving size cups. Costco by far has the best price on Fage, which is my favorite brand.
Happy Lunching!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
What's for Dinner [Pear, Blue Cheese, and Walnut Salad]
Dear friends D and S made the most delicious salad for our dinner Sunday night. So delicious that I scrawled the recipe down on a napkin and made it the very next day. Y'all have to try this, especially since pears are on sale this week at Kroger ;).
Pear, Blue Cheese, and Walnut Salad
They originally found the recipe in the paper
(*I just threw all the ingredient in a mason jar, like I do most of my dressings. I may or may not have gotten a little teary eyed as I added the honey.....we discovered last week that our very healthy, thriving bee hives were empty. No bees. I'm pretty crushed, as they were established and seemed to be doing so well. We'll try again in the spring.)
Pear, Blue Cheese, and Walnut Salad
They originally found the recipe in the paper
- 1 Bartlett pear, cored and sliced lengthwise into thin strips
- 3/4 c. crumbled blue cheese
- 3/4 c. walnut halves, toasted (*I didn't toast, just threw them in there)
- 8 large romaine lettuce leaves, torn
- 1/4 c. olive oil1
- /4 c. cider vinegar
- 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
- 5 large basil leaves, minced
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 T honey
- Dear friends D and S added red onion, which was a brilliant move!!
(*I just threw all the ingredient in a mason jar, like I do most of my dressings. I may or may not have gotten a little teary eyed as I added the honey.....we discovered last week that our very healthy, thriving bee hives were empty. No bees. I'm pretty crushed, as they were established and seemed to be doing so well. We'll try again in the spring.)
Happy Cooking!
Friday, November 7, 2014
Five on Friday III
Happy Friday!! This week has been long. Really long. Very happy it's finally Friday!
Like I said, it's been a long, long week, so I decided to treat myself this morning with my favorite fall obsession, the homemade pumpkin latte. I might even need two to get going today.....
Like I said, it's been a long, long week, so I decided to treat myself this morning with my favorite fall obsession, the homemade pumpkin latte. I might even need two to get going today.....
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Paint Your Own Pottery
Bestie KP and I headed to Half Baked Pottery where we painted our blues away. She's extremely talented and I'm typically pretty jealous when we go because her creations are always fabulous and mine are always, well, the same. I'm not much of a risk-taker and know I can successfully paint the triangular Christmas tree, so that's what I usually do. I'm happy with them, but I know that at some point, I'm going to have to venture outside of my comfort zone and finally do something different. But for now, the Christmas Tree Series......
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
On My Bookshelf [Necessary Lies by Diane Chamberlain]
While searching for an altogether different book at the library, I came upon Necessary Lies instead....lucky thing, too, because I really liked it! It is a book that makes you think outside the box, makes you consider other perspectives, and puts the reader in a position to consider what they might do if they were the character...just the kind of book I enjoy. I do have to admit, however, it did, at points, make me slightly uncomfortable, and I don't know how I feel about the ending, but overall I would recommend it.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
In My Lunchbox [Asian Inspired Bento]
Stating that a bento box is "Asian inspired" is a little redundant.....please just forgive and pretend you didn't notice ;)! My very favorite lunch is the bento box from Sakura. The salmon teriyaki with sushi is like a little bit of heaven. Pair that with the fact that Daddy was my usual lunch date, and it was perfection. This week's lunchbox was a inspired by theirs (although not nearly as good and without the wonderful company).
Friday, October 31, 2014
Five on Friday II
Yippee!! It's Friday! Wishing y'all a Happy Halloween and a wonderful start to the weekend! We'll pass out candy this evening and then head to our neighborhood bonfire. Other than that I am looking forward to some quiet down time laying low. But first, here's my Five on Friday:
I came back to school on Monday after being out sick to this sweet little note on my desk. I'm a sucker for when the kiddos draw my curly hair. There was also a darling little story about a lollipop named Melissa who loves to dance (they know me well....) but it made her sweat, which is not good for lollipops, so she had to quit dancing and took up yoga instead. They never cease to amaze me with their creativity and it certainly was a great way to start the week.
I came back to school on Monday after being out sick to this sweet little note on my desk. I'm a sucker for when the kiddos draw my curly hair. There was also a darling little story about a lollipop named Melissa who loves to dance (they know me well....) but it made her sweat, which is not good for lollipops, so she had to quit dancing and took up yoga instead. They never cease to amaze me with their creativity and it certainly was a great way to start the week.
Melissa the curly headed, yoga performing lollipop! |
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Terra Cotta Warriors
I love my city. Truly. I'm reminded often why, usually because of the wonderful people living here, but yesterday I had a unique opportunity to see something special and was reminded again of my love of Indy.
The Children's Museum is showcasing a special exhibit of the China's Terra Cotta Warriors. In fact, it is the only place in the country in which you can see them this year. They are spectacular. I'm so happy I managed to sneak down to see them before it closes.
The Children's Museum is showcasing a special exhibit of the China's Terra Cotta Warriors. In fact, it is the only place in the country in which you can see them this year. They are spectacular. I'm so happy I managed to sneak down to see them before it closes.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Happy Hour [Vokda Mint Gimlet]
We're clinging on to the warm weather around these parts this week. I think it's the last stretch as the high for this weekend is 40 degrees. However, before that stays for good Hubby and I enjoyed a beautiful little Happy Hour this evening.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Five on Friday
This week while being down and out with the flu I stumbled upon a linky party through Pinterest. I spent ages reading through several fabulous blogs listing their "Five on Friday". So, today I'm linking up with Darci, Christina, Natasha, and April. and am listing my own Five on Friday. T.G.I.F.!!
Like I said, have been feeling a little under the weather this week (read: came home from work Wednesday and slept all afternoon, which is unlike me.) I've been eating this avgolemono (Greek Chicken Soup) like it's going out of style. This soup is like a bowl of medicine and is delicious to boot.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
You've Been Boozed!
Last fall we came home to a little sweet surprise on our doorstep. We had been "boozed". So. much. fun. Our sweet friends had left a little goodie bag, including an adult beverage, and some little yummies. As Halloween is approaching, I just knew I had to get in on the action and leave some little surprises on doorsteps myself. I left a couple off last week and have one more delivery to make today.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
What's for Dinner [Avgolemono - Greek Lemon Chicken Soup with Orzo]
The first time I became sick at IU all I wanted was a big bowl of avgolemono. I called the local "Greek" restaurant, but they had never heard of it. I was completely dejected. All these years later I still crave a bowl each time I feel under the weather. I cooked up a big batch last night, then crawled into bed and pulled the covers over my head. I'm telling you, this stuff is's like medicine in a bowl. And it's pretty darn yummy when you're not feeling like yourself, too. Delish.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Last weekend I was lucky enough to spend some QT with my Koumbara. It had been way, way too long. We ended the day with a little nightcap. The Moscow Mule might just be my new favorite. It was delish! (And of course I'm a sucker for presentation....the copper cup just may have sealed the deal.)
Thursday, October 16, 2014
What's for Dinner [Spanakopita]
I've been intending on writing this post for nearly a month, but honestly, just don't know where to begin. Full disclosure: my spanakopita is not nearly as delicious as my daddy's, but it's good. Unfortunately, we don't really measure the ingredients, just kind of go by what it looks like and how it tastes....hence the few specific measurements in the recipe that follows. I used to call my dad and ask for specific directions for cooking various things. He'd respond with something along the lines of, "Sister, cooking is an art, not a science." I've been asked often if I could just make a little pita, but I'm a firm believer if you are going to the trouble, you might as well go big or go home. It's just as easy to make a big one, and then you can share with those you love!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
What's for Dinner {Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Soup]
I have been searching and searching for a Hubby approved slow cooker recipe. So far the Three Envelope Roast is the only one that fits the bill. Until the other night when I made this Chicken Enchilada Soup. It was a cold, rainy day, so I think that helped, but regardless, this soup is yummy, flavorful, and satisfying. It will definitely make it into the rotation.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Saying Goodbye
I have a heavy heart today, as we lay to rest a sweet cousin and also a dear, dear friend. As I sit in the quiet of this rainy morning, I'm at a loss for words, but my heart is full of incredible, fun, and loving memories that I will continue to cherish. For now, May Their Memories Be Eternal.
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