I must start this post by confessing that my brother makes the world's greatest frappe, not me. He's shown me countless times, and I try to emulate exactly, but I just don't have his touch. I will say, though, that Hubby says he loves mine, too. (Maybe things just taste better when someone else makes them for you???) But, I digress.....frappe is the Greek version of iced coffee, with foam....satisfying, strong, and definitely gives a little zip in your step.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
On My Bookshelf [We Were Liars]
This book had potential. Big potential. But, sadly, I just didn't love it. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart kind of fell flat and although there was a huge twist (that I didn't entirely see coming) I still kind of expected more (for whatever reason). I'm sharing, however, because everyone else I have talked with absolutely loved it.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Five on Friday [Birthday Edition]
It's been a great week! It certainly helps that it's not only my birthday week (although if you follow me on IG you already know), but Spring Break also starts today at the end of school! Woo-hooooooo!!!! I'm ready :)!! Here's this week's Five on Friday:
My sweet Spring Break Buddy (like a Secret Santa, but for the week leading up to Spring Break) gifted me with the most adorable little goodies all week. It certainly made things easier as at one point the week seemed to never end.
My sweet Spring Break Buddy (like a Secret Santa, but for the week leading up to Spring Break) gifted me with the most adorable little goodies all week. It certainly made things easier as at one point the week seemed to never end.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Forty before Forty [Did I really just write that??]
Before I start, I have to preface this post with a confession....I'm shamelessly stealing this concept from Dixie Delights. It was just too good of an idea not to. She recently posted her plan, and since my birthday was coming up and a BIG birthday coming in two years, knew immediately I wanted to do a list of my own.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Spring has Sprung
This weekend I spent a little time setting out some sweet little Easter decorations. Spring is my favorite season, just as Easter is my favorite holiday. I will include more of my family's and religion's traditions over the next few weeks, but for now, will share the newest...a little decorating.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
What's for Dinner [Mustard Roasted Fish]
I've been fortunate enough to have had some really amazing meals in my life. The Bakery in Chicago was probably the first truly incredible meal I remember. There was the Brazilian Steakhouse in New York (an experience on top of yummy food), Wolfgang Puck's in LA, and the most divine rabbit in mustard sauce in a kitchen in Paris. It was no surprise that I loved the rabbit, my Daddy makes the most delicious rabbit stifado (stew), but it was the mustard sauce......I was smitten. I even ate all the peas that were served with it, doused in the same sauce. (If you know me in RL I don't eat peas.) I've been searching for a mustard sauce like that ever since. I've tried numerous recipes and knew immediately when Dixie Delights posted Mustard Roasted Fish that this would be on the menu immediately.
Monday, March 23, 2015
What's for Dinner [Spicy Creamed Spinach]
Growing up my mama made the best creamed spinach. She called it Mrs. Gay's Spinach...in fact, I still call it that. I can't share that specific recipe with y'all, but I can tell you I found one that's pretty close and is definitely yummy while watching the Food Network the other day. This side dish complements just about anything. Here I've served it with Paul Prudhomme's Salmon (which I've eaten nearly every day of Lent) but I also love it with chicken and pork.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Five on Friday [3.20.15]
Hallelujah, it's Friday! I thought it was Friday all day yesterday. So glad that it finally is.....Here's this week's Five on Friday.
Change is in the air in these parts. If I'm being honest I sometimes struggle with that. I tend to like routines and knowing what to expect. Although I logically understand that change is good, I sometimes have to remind myself. This is my motto for the week (and probably the next few weeks):
Change is in the air in these parts. If I'm being honest I sometimes struggle with that. I tend to like routines and knowing what to expect. Although I logically understand that change is good, I sometimes have to remind myself. This is my motto for the week (and probably the next few weeks):
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Happy Birthday, Brother #3!
Today I'd like to wish my "baby" brother a very Happy Birthday!! We are 9 years and 51 weeks apart exactly. I've always loved that, just as I love and adore him. I'm so very lucky to have such a thoughtful and loving brother (not to mention that I'm lucky enough to have 3!!). He is quick witted, funny, strong willed (in a good way), and sensitive.
Wishing you your most wonderful year yet, Brother!! I love you!
Wishing you your most wonderful year yet, Brother!! I love you!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
My Style [Personalized Gifts]
Linking up with the Share Your Style party has got me thinking....just what is my style? I've always simply liked what I like, and that has lent itself to a broad style base. So, I asked Hubby what he thought. After he finally got over trying to figure out why, he did some thinking, and came back with "pink monograms". Not exactly what I was looking for, but he does have a point. If I can find a way to put a monogram on something, I'm going to :) and a lot of those tend to be pink.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Motivational Monday II
What. a. day. I was up around 4 am unable to sleep with so many thoughts running through my head. Today we administered a second statewide testing to the kiddos and the spring tennis program started with a bang. It was either come home and whip out a post, or go for a long walk on this glorious day. I was selfish and chose the walk...and honestly, don't regret it for a minute. (Something else I've been working on :).)
Friday, March 13, 2015
Five on Friday
WOOHOOOOOO! It's Friday! This week was R.O.U.G.H! Am I the only one that completely struggled with Daylight Savings?? I just wish Indiana would go back to not changing time again....but I digress. Here's my Five on Friday for this week:
We've started a new little thing at our happy little hive....Motivational Monday. It was a nice little reminder this week. I'm anxious to include different timely quotes as the weeks go by.
We've started a new little thing at our happy little hive....Motivational Monday. It was a nice little reminder this week. I'm anxious to include different timely quotes as the weeks go by.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Cheesy Italian Seasoning Topping
Have you had the frozen spinach ravioli from Costco? It's delicious. Really. It also has the yummiest topping packet that you sprinkle on the ravioli with a dab of olive oil and is one of my favorite ways to eat pasta. So when Hubby and I had mushroom ravioli (also from Costco) the other night we both agreed it definitely needed a little something extra. Hubby mentioned if we only had that little seasoning packet things would be perfect.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Chinoiserie Inspired Needlepoint
Are y'all familiar with the Emperor's Garden pattern? I'm in love with it. Truly swooning over it. I just can't decide exactly how I'd like to use it in our little hive....Drapes? Pillows? Headboard? Too many fabulous possibilities.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
On My Bookshelf [In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex]
It has actually been a few years since I read In the Heart of the Sea, but I bring it up now because the movie of this story is being released next week! I came up on this book entirely by chance, a complete fluke. Hubby and I were in Nantucket visiting his BFF when I twisted my ankle and spent the day recuperating. I read with the sea wind blowing through the windows and became entirely captivated. One might think the setting in which I was reading led me to feel this way about the book, and perhaps rightfully so, but everyone I know that has read it has felt the same way....without actually reading it on the island overlooking the sea. ;) It's a gripping story (the actual inspiration for Moby Dick) , filled with history and details about the tiny little island and it's lifeline, whaling.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Motivational Monday
So I've had an idea lurking in the back of my mind for a while, but haven't had the time or motivation (no pun intended) to put it into action. But after spying this simple chalkboard in the dollar section at Target, I decided to go for it. The difference? The board is big enough to write a substantial message, but also isn't obtrusive.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Five on Friday [Finally March]
Wahoo! It's Friday....and finally March, my favorite month of the year! Now if Spring would finally arrive, things would be perfect. Let's get down to it. Here's this week's edition of Five on Friday.
Hubby was distraught to learn a favorite local restaurant is no longer. He left the house in hopes of having their Pineapple Shrimp with Walnuts only to return home empty handed and distressed that not only was the restaurant closed, but the building demolished, too. Luckily, I'm able to recreate it at home (recipe here), and did just that for him. I know it sounds gross, but I promise you...it's quite yummy.
Hubby was distraught to learn a favorite local restaurant is no longer. He left the house in hopes of having their Pineapple Shrimp with Walnuts only to return home empty handed and distressed that not only was the restaurant closed, but the building demolished, too. Luckily, I'm able to recreate it at home (recipe here), and did just that for him. I know it sounds gross, but I promise you...it's quite yummy.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Pineapple Shrimp with Walnuts
Hubby swears that he was able to feed himself before I came along. However, I've been down and out with a stomach bug for a few days and Hubby was all on his own for dinner one night. It was actually quite amusing to watch him try to decide what to do. It's just too cold to grill, or I guarantee he would have slapped a steak on the grill and called it quits. Instead, he debated on each and every restaurant in the greater Indianapolis area. After finally coming to a decision he returned shortly distraught that one of our favorites is not only no longer in business, but they've also bulldozed the building to the ground. I made it up to him by recreating (and now reposting) his very favorite Pineapple Shrimp with Walnuts. I know that pineapple, shrimp, and walnuts don't particularly sound like they would go well together, but trust me....they do!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
The Judge
Unfortunately, Hubby and I spent the weekend down and out with a stomach bug. Not fun. But I figured it was only a matter of time as it is rampantly going around school. We didn't do much other than sleep and watch a few movies, The Judge being one of them. When I mentioned how much I loved it to a sweet friend, she thought I was crazy. I was shocked to find out she (and I've come to find out many, many others) don't agree with me. So, I thought I'd write a quick little post in it's defense.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Motivational Monday
Staying home sick today, but wanted to share a little Motivational Monday quote....something I will strive for this week.
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via Pinterest Happy Monday! |
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