Happy Friday!! Hubby and I are looking forward to another quiet, relaxing weekend. Last weekend we organized, cooked, crafted, and binged on Prime Video. I'll explain more in this week's five.....
I may or may not have squealed a little when I checked a favorite blog on Friday only to see that I was the feature blogger. I was truly stunned and really touched to be included. So very sweet. Be sure to pop over and check out their terrific blogs.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
DIY: Easy Chalkboard Art
I've always admired pretty chalkboard art, but although I really do have nice handwriting (and even calligraph wedding invitations at times) I just cannot for the life of me create a pretty chalkboard. They always look a hot mess....crooked and slanting down to the right. A former sweet art teacher gave me a little hint a while back and it's simple as can be....and I can't draw a lick.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
What's for Dinner [Honey-Soy-Glazed Salmon with Oranges and Veggies]
This dish is so simply delicious. I love salmon and could eat it every night. Quite honestly, Fresh Thyme had it on sale last week and I made this dish not just once, not twice, but three times. Y.u.m!! So good, and all in one dish, which translates to minimal clean up....my kind of recipe. (I love to cook, but detest doing dishes.)
Monday, January 25, 2016
DIY: Conversation Heart Topiaries
I'm not sure if it was Hubby's close call or that I didn't decorate at all for Christmas that has caused me to want to go all out for Valentine's Day, but I'm guessing that it's a combination of both. I'm simply so very grateful to have him here to celebrate just how much I love him....and what better holiday to do that with than Valentine's Day??
Friday, January 22, 2016
Friday Five [1.22.15]
Happy Friday!! Hope y'all have been keeping warm this week! It's been another great week of Hubby recovering, spending some time together, and knocking out some new recipes and crafts. Now here's this week's five:
We're loving all things citrus right now....especially these chocolate blood orange slices....
We're loving all things citrus right now....especially these chocolate blood orange slices....
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Coloring Pages for Grown-Ups
A couple weeks ago I shared how I've hopped on the coloring books for adults bandwagon. I've had some questions about where I found my book, and I have a simple confession....all I did was google.....
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Chocolate Dipped Blood Oranges with Sea Salt
We love all things citrus in this little hive, especially this time of year when it's most delicious. Add a little chocolate and a pinch of sea salt and it elevates delicious to a whole other level. These make the perfect little afternoon treat and would also make for a special little homemade Valentine....just add a clear gift bag and a big bow.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
What's for Dinner [Vegetable Beef Soup]
We've had such a mild winter, that it almost didn't seem like winter. Although we now have subzero temps and this vegetable beef soup will be a bowl of comfort. I simply raided the pantry and freezer and threw everything together. As luck would have it, it turned out great. It's simple and straight-forward and aside from browning the beef, everything else gets thrown into the crock pot to simmer for as long as you'd like. In fact, the longer, the better.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Pumpkin Crisp
Unfortunately this post got lost in the commotion of Hubby's unexpected hospital visit, but it's just too yummy to overlook. I'm hoping y'all will give me a pass and say that all things pumpkin are good through January...please just go with it :)!
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Patience is a Virtue
Earlier this week a sweet cashier at my local Target store started popping up all over Facebook and the post has since gone viral. My favorite part of this picture....the sweet little one peeking over the side watching. In an age in which everyone is in such a rush it is nice to see things through young, innocent eyes, and although one should always treat others with respect and kindness, sadly, in this age of 'customer service' that's more a rarity than a standard. It's nice to see the kindness of my hometown celebrated throughout the country.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Friday Five [1.15.16]
Happy Friday, Y'all!! I can't believe that we're already half-way through January! We had been blessed with an unseasonably warm winter (as in the warmest in 120 years!!!) up until this week. Now it's frigid and snowy, which has influenced this week's Friday Five (or in this case six)....
I had to pick all the kale from the garden before the snow arrived. We've been enjoying pan-fried kale....

I had to pick all the kale from the garden before the snow arrived. We've been enjoying pan-fried kale....

Thursday, January 14, 2016
Snow Ice Cream
Hubby and I realized something on the first big snow day of our life together.....he loves it...I don't. We were both really excited the night before, although for different reasons. He was looking froward to "playing" in it, while I was looking forward to sipping hot chocolate and snuggling in with a good book by the fire. I have to admit, we were both a little frustrated with each other's expectations. However, two things happened that day that made me so happy: he stopped and helped a sweet, little old couple who were stuck and he made snow ice cream.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Needlepoint Valentine Coasters
My sweet mama was an incredibly talented, master needlepointer. Her pieces really were works of beauty! I am fortunate enough that she taught me when I was very young. My projects aren't anything near as lovely as hers, but I enjoy it and think of her as I stitch away.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
What's for Dinner [Kale Caesar Salad]
I'm sorry that I'm back with another kale recipe, but I'm telling y'all....I'm. obsessed. And I had to pick all of our kale before the snow we got overnight, but I'm not complaining. At least this one is different than yesterday's though. Have you tried the kale Caesar salad from Panera? Delicious...and the inspiration for this meal. The Parmesan crisps add a little different twist and are so much yummier than the standard croutons. I used my Silpat liners
and they couldn't have been easier.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Pan-Fried Kale
This hardly qualifies as a recipe, but I can assure you that it has become an all out obsession in our little hive. I started making this last year with kale from our local farmers' market and loved it so much that I decided our garden needed tons some this year. We've been so lucky with warm weather that thus far that it's still going strong....as is the obsession.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
A Fresh Face
Usually about this time of year I'm trying to convince Hubby to paint something, to tear down a wall (I determined to tear down that sucker in the kitchen...), or make some other major change to the house. I don't know if it's the cold weather (and therefore spending more time indoors) or the new beginnings with the new year or, most likely, a combination of the two. But it's pretty much a guarantee that come the end of January I have major ants in the pants. Needless to say, as I explained the other day, Hubby isn't really ready for something like that this year, nor am I really....so instead this little blog experienced some major changes. And I'm thrilled with the results. It's much more "me".
Friday, January 8, 2016
Friday Five [2016!!]
Happy Friday!! I hope y'all have had a great start to the new year! Getting right down to it...here's this week's (the first of 2016!) Friday Five.
I explained my long absence and my words for 2016 earlier this week. To say I'm looking forward to a new year would be an understatement. However, I must also say how beyond grateful I am.....
I explained my long absence and my words for 2016 earlier this week. To say I'm looking forward to a new year would be an understatement. However, I must also say how beyond grateful I am.....

Thursday, January 7, 2016
Local Love [Just Pop In]
Way back at the beginning of November I told y'all about my love of Indy and Revival Food Co. Well I'm back again today to share a little more local love and the yummiest popcorn you've ever had. The darling sisters opened Just Pop In in 2003 and now have shops throughout Indy, although I'm partial to the Broad Ripple location.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
On My Bookshelf: The Last Anniversary
I'm back again with yet another Liane Moriarty book. Although this isn't my favorite of her books, I always enjoy them. (See other books here, here, and here....told ya I like her!) Just like her other works, The Last Anniversary
has it's own little twist.

Monday, January 4, 2016
I've started this post several times, and quite honestly I just don't really know what to say. On the one hand, the end of 2015 is one I would like to forget. But on the other, and more importantly, I'm more grateful than words could ever really express.
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