Last weekend Hubby and I knocked out some spring cleaning. I have decided from this point on I will only use Mrs. Meyers Honeysuckle spray. Y'all, it smells heavenly, it doesn't give me a headache, and it really does a nice job cleaning. Win, win, win. I shared a couple other tips I learned earlier this week.

Asparagus has been on sale lately and Hubby and I have enjoyed this dish a couple times in the last few weeks. Asparagus, chorizo, croutons and all in 5-10 minutes....what's not to love?

Before Mother Nature decided it might snow this weekend, I was gearing up for summer and ordered my very favorite Korres body butter. I confessed it yesterday, but it's just too good not to share again. Plus this morning I discovered the "luxury collection" is currently on sale at Sephora.

Unfortunately, Indianapolis was in USA Today this week -- and not in a good way. This gentleman has been selling brooms in our area for 60 years. It was kind of disheartening to hear he would no longer be welcome at the post office (and believe me when I say it confirmed my already low opinion of my neighborhood branch). However, I was thrilled as the week progressed by the outpouring of local businesses volunteering to have him at their businesses and schools (including my alma mater). I guess there still is such a thing as Hoosier Hospitality....I only wish that part had been included in the national new, too.
I leave you with a little third grade boy poem. I couldn't quite figure out what was prompting all the giggles. Boys will be boys.
Wishing y'all terrific weekends!! Today I'm linking up with: