My new favorite cardigan has all the comfort of your favorite cozy sweatshirt, while still looking a bit more pulled together. I have a feeling it will be perfect for layering this spring when Mother Nature just can't decide what she wants to do.
Speaking of Mother Nature we have had the most spectacular weather this week!! Sunny and in the 60s and 70s. However, tomorrow's high is 32. I'm not complaining though, we've been so lucky to have this little treat in the middle of February.
One of my sweet kiddos invited me to her Irish dance recital. It was so very impressive. I love dance of any form and seeing her darling smiling face made it all that much more terrific.
Some of my other kiddos participated in Math Bowl last night and came in 2nd. It was a riveting and exciting night of math problem. I jest, but in all seriousness, I'm so proud of them! They've worked hard and were so supportive of each other!

We did end up keeping Little Pup for one more week. Hubby was completely convinced that our Old Man Stan would come around. He certainly didn't. It's quiet and to be completely honest, I miss him, but Stan is so happy his life has gone back to normal.
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The Happy Little Hive!