Did y'all know that Kendra Scott offers a birthday month discount?? I had no idea. Just visit a store during your birthday month, show your ID, and you will receive 50% off!! I've been trying to narrow down the options. It's proving difficult, but I love this necklace. I must admit, if I had pierced ears these might be a front-runner.

Earlier this week I shared my secret to what's helped me stick with at least one of my resolutions so far. The Garmin Santa brought is my latest obsession. So far, so good. It's working beautifully.
Another resolution that's been easy to stick with was inspired by fellow blogger Ron at The Uptown Acorn. (If you don't already follow him, you should!! He has impeccable taste and a beautifully stunning home! Be sure to hop over and say hello!) Ron started a new series this year What Makes Me Happy. It's reminded me how easy it is for those little things that make you happy to get lost in the shuffle of everyday life. I've started a little journal for 2017. Each night I try to record one or two little things that have made me happy that day. Such a terrific way to keep things in perspective.
Last week my team was in charge of payday treats. It was penguin awareness day, so this little igloo cheese ball with black olive penguins fit the bill perfectly. It would also be the perfect appetizer for the Super Bowl. You could just leave it in a regular 'ole ball if you don't want to go the igloo route.

Happy Friday!!